ADD ME !!!?????????
Somehow it’s difficult to think back to a time before Facebook,

for some of us it’s downright impossible because you’re only 6 years old, but what if it were to disappear one day when we tried to log on, would we all just sit there lost and alone?
What did we even do online before Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and MSN messenger? We live in an age of “crackberry”, Facebook-junkies, YouTube-fiends and Google is a verb and of course Twitter, which just a short while ago meant the light chirping of birds, now means something completely different.

Check out Twittonary! I contemplated posting an article of a flashback of 2009 for my end of year blog entry, but wasn’t sure if you needed to know anymore unnecessary things, like the fact that the random guy you meet at that club who is now on your friendslist, is “so into his Wii”. What is it with our insatiable desire for useless information? Is it that we are all so void of real human contact that we try to over compensate by spilling the minutest details of our lives on the internet, or that we all think our lives are so very interesting or maybe we are all just the friendliest people history has ever seen! I wonder, will we all soon just explode from information overload or will we slowly evolve into more advanced humans by stretching our brain

capacity and finally using more than 10% of it. My memory is foggy and non-HDish when I think back, what did we do when we couldn’t obsessively check our emails 500 times while at our desk doing that “proposal” our boss ordered? I’m glad that I’m in the time of the information boom and not in the time that our psyches go KA-BOOM! The antidote, “More Face-time” and less Facebook time. Or at least read a real book people. Someone really funny and not so smart said,” soon we are all just going to evolve into a head and an a**, (and hopefully some fingers) because all we do is sit on our backside in front of a screen. And I predict our a** is going to be much bigger than our head.

I miss the 80’s, or what I remember of it, (I was 5), it was a simpler time ( at least for me ) , Nintendo was cool, you couldn’t walk around with your computer, and it was very difficult to misplace your phone booth sized cell phone. You know there’s a problem when, talk show host Ryan Seacreast goes on Larry King and is checking his blackberry every two minutes. You have to say, "Dude, you’re on Larry King!" There should be a warning or disclaimer when you sign up to these social networking sites, or even when you get an internet connection: "Warning may cause A.D.D."
Now I can’t be totally harsh, Technology is awesome and vital and blah blah blah, but take it with a grain of salt people. It’s supposed to make life simpler. We need to refocus because no one, other than the odd stalker, really cares about what you’re thinking/doing, right.. this.. moment. Unless of course you’re Taylor Lautner

or Megan Fox

because they seem only capable of thinking/doing very sexy things.
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